Friday 29 March 2013

Justin Bieber To Be Seriously Prosecuted In court

The L.A. County District Attorney’s Office will review battery allegations against Justin Bieber…and multiple law enforcement sources say the case will be taken ‘seriously’.
When the L.A. County Sheriff’s Dept. concludes its investigation, it was learnt, the case will be referred to the D.A. for review and possible prosecution.
One of Bieber’s neighbours had claimed the singer was tearing through their Calabasas community Tuesday at speeds approaching 100 mph, and when the neighbour confronted Bieber, he allegedly spit in the guy’s face and threatened to kill him.
Several prosecutors in the D.A.’s Office say spitting crimes are taken seriously for 2 reasons — first, it’s considered an extremely aggressive and “disgusting act,” and second, it poses potentially serious health concerns.
Sources say Bieber’s neighbour wants the singer prosecuted and will fully cooperate with the authorities.


  1. I wonder ... his word against his word? But really revving up a car and creating a whole lot of noise, the neighbor should have let the police handle it and then this wouldn't have occurred. Other hand, Justin needs to control his anger. Mr. Judge, how about anger management classes?

    1. how about sending him back to the 1st grade apparently he hasnt matured since then spitting on people is something small children do

    2. Looks like this out of control "wuss-bully" is following the developmental path of Lindsey Lohan. Now isn't that a great life coach??

    3. I believe he did both....all bodily fluids have the potential to carry the HIV...HEPATITIS C.virus.AND THOSE R DEADLY DISEASES......and bodily fluids are considered a potentially lethal weapon.I think he shud go to prison and meet some real brothers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. .i think
    10 days should make him stop.

  3. He thinks he is THE MAN but he is actually a boy with an attitude that needs to be put in place. He thinks he can do whatever he wants when he has his "bodyguards" around him. But I think without them he is only a sissy....SHAME

  4. Why is he being prosecuted,exactly?When I spit on someone,they know they asked for it.Justin needs to let people know when they do wrong and deserve to be spat on.Works for me.

  5. Justin needs some parental guidance. I think that his mother and therapist should step in at this point. His behaviour is appalling. Too much too soon. He needs some growing up to do, otherwise it will be too late for him. He is doing too much for someone so young. Maybe he needs a break at this point. Something is wrong.

  6. Weather you THINK you are the MAN or not, there is always
    someone out there that is ready to put you in your place!!!
    Maybe Justin is going to find out the hard way that his
    boyish antics just will not cut it any more. As for his
    "bodyguards", if I were the D.A. they would all be subpenaed. 1. They failed to protect and control the situation. They FAILED THEIR EMPLOYER. Otherwise he would
    not be facing these charges. He would have had to deal with
    the POLICE on possible other charges....

  7. I guess you can take the kid out of the trailer park, but you can't take the trailer park out of the kid. He should have been prosecuted long ago...for crappy s-called "music!"
